Outside-band Character and Application of Coupling and Resonance Band-pass Filter high stability oscillator with resistance-capacitance coupling 耦合谐振带通滤波器带外特征及应用高稳定度振荡器带电容电阻耦合器
High stability oscillator with resistance-capacitance coupling It is therefore the purpose of this paper to offer a detailed analysis on the frequency stability of transistor feedback oscillators. 本文将对晶体管反馈振荡器的频率稳定性能作比较详细的研讨。
A Novel Compact Wide Stopband Electromagnetic Bandgap Structure high stability oscillator with resistance-capacitance coupling 一种新颖的小型宽阻带电磁带隙结构高稳定度振荡器带电容电阻耦合器